84 / what's real?
Yaks seem to take it all in: to me they feel very different to cattle,
such eloquent gazes, I would not have been surprised to hear one speak
the newer buildings look quite unreal,
especially compared to the monolithic old ones
I liked the tableaux in some stores
checkpoints quite often,
& sometimes it wasn't, really
83 / surprises
This hotel had a few surprises
I liked this landing..
where am I again?
one wall has windows against a brick wall..
oops, changed our minds..
& out the real windows, a view of the fort,
which an English force under Colonel Younghusband
tried to capture, for whatever misguided purpose, without success.
Long ago.
81 / another world
Some Tibetan monasteries are small, others as big as a town;
visiting as a tourist I've no clear idea of how it all works now
for either monks or lay people. While in Tibet I often wished
I could talk again with my old friends who were monks
& refugees in India. In the '70's.
They were thangka painters.
The vessels in the kitchen of this monastery were
In case you are wondering, this is a thangka,
(my guess is of Tara).
Traditionally they are painted on sized cloth, with
a brocade surround, & can be rolled for travels.
The monks gave me one for my 30th birthday,
way back then.
78 / mountain time
Hesitate to post paintings that are not completed,
but .. here they are anyway.
The canvases are 121cm wide.
Mountains are leaning against my walls.
so far, what happens is
I get them to a certain stage,
then something pops out that I didn't
intentionally place there, so I add to that,
& then perhaps take it back a little.
I don't want to make puzzles, yet we all seek patterns
in the apparent visual field
this one started as a daylight scene, then became a
moonlight night.. & I didn't change the snow,
could see where the moon would be to get these highlights,
& the viewer makes up the rest
while this latest one could go several different directions.
They all need to sit around for longer until its clear.
Its really pleasing to have no schedule to meet,
no client, gallery etc..