
231 / Nepal

On Saturday 25th there was a 7.8 earthquake in Nepal,
with many big aftershocks, well over 4000 injuries, 
& nearly 2000 deaths, & untold houses & historic
buildings wrecked

it is such a beautiful country, & people,
this will make it an even harder life for many

Like all parts of the Himalayas, earthquakes are a fact of life

the mountains are still moving. When I visited Pokhara
in 2012, this was the view from my guesthouse roof

the plan is to visit again in October, but who can say..

There are many ancient Hindu & Buddhist temples 
& monasteries, with exceptional wood carving, 
metal work & statues

I wish that everyone who has been, & loved it, 
(surely everyone?)
will donate generously

Nepal needs our help