
184 / dream remedies 1

Posted small versions of some of these, already.
All taken from inadequate prints, as I don't have a
scanner that will do it

I chose 22 homeopathic remedies 
which have symptoms in dreams.. unless you are
interested in homeopathics it won't mean much.
If you are, email me, maybe I can identify them

Quite a few have 'dreams of falling',
& these are not in order because the falling figure
gradually falls further.

I used a lot of historical references, as I figure
our dreams - & states of ill health -
probably haven't changed too much

Although I'm not a homeopath, I know quite a bit about it.
I also started writing trance inductions to go with each one, as 
I'd been studying hypnosis. 

For some of the time I was in San Miguel Allende, in
northern Mexico, staying about 6 months in a wonderful old 
Spanish colonial hotel, with large spare rooms,
whose owner moved to Mexico during the Spanish civil war,
I liked her so much, & the Posada Carmina was a lovely
calm reflection of her.

While I didn't 'prove' any of the remedies, there was some
amazing synchronicity happening, it seemed all I had to do was tune
in to each one.. have rarely been sick, but have dreamt a lot,
some of them scary. & travelling, one gets stomach bugs,
or eats unknown foods, which account for some weird dreams.. 
Don't you think?